Is your goal weight “Realistic”

As an expert body transformation mentor I am often asked the question, “Jaime, I have goal weight in mind but is it realistic?”

I think a better question to be asking ourselves is — “is this even MY goal?”

You would be surprised how often we hold ‘goal anchor weights’ in our mind based off of past experiences, what we read in magazines, what we saw on a BMI chat etc. I call them ‘goal anchor weights’ because they are anchored in to a certain point in time or experience in your life.

Goal Anchor Weights

If this goal anchor weight is no longer a desire of your heart, you will always find a way to self sabotage! Imagine if many years ago an ex boyfriend said something to you like, “You would look great at X weight”. And now that goal weight comes to mind in your head, but you are also kinda pissed that he even said that to begin with - so there is also resentment baked in to that ‘goal’.

Our subconscious mind remembers it ALL and we tie certain emotions to certain memories and experiences.

This is why - when you choose a goal weight range, it’s really important to BREATHE and check in with yourself.. ask “Is this truly mine?” REALLY go deep there… ask yourself what memories, feelings , thoughts come up for you when you think about that goal weight range.

Get deep with your WHY

Once you’ve decided on your goal, go deep.. ask yourself WHY. When you think you’ve found your WHY go 10 more layers deep.

I know this sounds so cliche but it’s so important that we ask ourselves WHY a goal is so important to us. Our WHY is like our north star - guiding us through the night even when it gets a bit foggy. Without having a strong WHY - it can be easy to fall into self sabotaging patterns.

Perhaps you have a desire to release 20 lb and you discover your why is to feel more confident - well WHY do you want to feel more confident? Maybe you’d like to feel more confident so that you an do another photoshoot for your brand and take your business to the next level so you can create more impact and freedom… ahhh! See how deep this goes!!

In the video below, I go a bit deeper into this concept and help us really unpack it! (This video originally was streamed on Facebook live)

Also, don’t forget to download my latest FREE Guide: 5 Signals the Body Needs To Release Fat Permanently!


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